I humbly asked my Teacher-in-Charge to record my class on Biodiversity so that I will be able to see from a different vantage point how I deal with the lesson. The discussion went on, the students participated in the activity, questions were raised and some were just naughty eight graders who would love to open up a discussion on social issues and the social media. The recorded video showed everything from start to finish - pointing out how my students in particular, behave and act out in response to the way how I handle the 1-hour class.
The video indeed serves its rightful purpose. It has opened up a long forgotten ideology in me that has been modified by my selfish goals and standards. Yes I have been selfish and I always see to it that my standard will be my students main reference. This is where I was rightfully wrong. I made their world smaller and hopeless. Truth be told, I made them realize that learning is easy for those who are always participative and present in class. I have fitted their thinking to the traditional ways of teaching and the educative process. I have cut their wings and locked them in the cage of the old ways!
And just like a simple typographical error made, a newer "undo" thinking sprouted. The lesson was all about Biodiversity and its importance. Indeed, in a class full of biodiverse students, there is a great need for us teachers to be alert on their educational needs. They are highly intellectual when they are on their own. They have explored the world that has been hidden to us. My students taught me valuable lessons in life that they are greatly proud to narrate. They are creative when given the chance and surprisingly talented when fully guided. Some have multiple intelligences that you have overlooked while some remains a mystery to solve. I have once been a student and will always be a student. Thus, creating a class activity patterned to the multiple intelligences of my students is a call.
Alas Albert you have been judged!